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Expeditionary Learning

College Hill, as a community and a school, has a long tradition of giving students the tools they need to choose their own destinies. The new Expeditionary Learning (EL) program will complement traditional academics with challenging project-based learning, fieldwork and case studies. Students will explore how to apply discovery, inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration to real-world situations. As they participate in expeditions, they will connect with their communities and learn how to lead in an ever-changing world.

Introduced for the 2017-18 school year for students in grades 4-6, students will experience liberal arts and humanities-based instruction as they engage in service-based projects that yield solutions for audiences beyond the classroom, such as local businesses and other community members. They will be inspired to become scientists, urban planners, historians and activists. They will grow into leaders through a commitment to achievement and active citizenship. The program will be rolled out to all students in grades K-6 during the 2018-19 school year. College Hill Fundament Academy students will benefit from:

  • A broad, liberal arts-based academic program that includes Latin and fine arts, enhanced with 1:1 computers and access to multimedia labs
  • Rigorous, engaging ELA/Humanities and Math curriculum that focuses on teamwork, character development, compelling topics, and student ownership of learning
  • Project- and service-based learning opportunities that teach respect, responsibility, courage and kindness
  • Expeditions that encourage doing, creating, exploring and collaboration outside of the classroom
  • A full-time resource coordinator who secures partners to provide mental, cognitive and character support to help students succeed
  • Regular art, music, library and physical education classes for all students
  • A robust artistic program that includes cello, violin and flute through the Suzuki String Program
  • Extensive after-school and extracurricular programs